Fleet Farm is proud to be a strong, local community partner. We strive to be a good neighbor, providing products and experiences that match local needs.
To request a donation or sponsorship for your organization, stop into any Fleet Farm location and ask for a Donation Request Form, or download it here. Forms can be received and submitted at the Customer Service counter.
Once submitted, your request form will be reviewed by the local management team. Please allow 4-6 weeks upon receipt for evaluation.
Fleet Farm Celebrates 25 Years of College Scholarships for Future Farmers of America
For the 25th year in a row, Fleet Farm has awarded seven $1,000 scholarships to college seniors who are members of the Future Farmers of America. These outstanding students hail from Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, and they are studying for science and agricultural degrees at colleges in the upper Midwest. Fleet Farm is proud to support these wonderful students while continuing the longstanding partnership with Future Farmers of America. Look here for more details on the 2020-2021 scholarship recipients.
Community Days Takes Off at All Fleet Farm Stores
All Fleet Farm stores held a Community Days event and collected nearly 14,000 non-perishable food or personal care items for families in need. Each store selected a local donation partner to ensure that all contributions stayed within the store’s community. This two-week long event invited customers to bring in non-perishable food or personal care items to their local Fleet Farm store and receive a coupon for $10 off a $75 purchase.
MSU Recognizes Fleet Farm as Significant Donor

Minnesota State University Mankato added Fleet Farm as a partner in its Purple and Gold society of significant donors. Long-time Fleet Farm team member Bernie Wehseler accepted the honor at a recent event put on by the MSU Mankato Foundation.
A Warm Welcome from Cedar Falls
Fleet Farm was the recipient of the John Milton Overman Award 2020 New Investor Award, presented by the City of Cedar Falls and Cedar Falls Utilities. General Manager Amber Brumm accepted the award for her store. As a newcomer to the area, we couldn’t be more proud to be part of the Cedar Falls community. We are honored to receive this welcome, and we look forward to serving the area for a long time to come.
Fleet Farm Continues Tradition of Sponsoring Annual Brainerd Jaycees $150,000 Ice Fishing Extravaganza
Once again, Fleet Farm will be a major sponsor of what’s called the “largest charitable ice fishing contest in North America” on Gull Lake. The event is scheduled for January 30, 2021, and tickets will be sold at local Fleet Farm locations. The 30th annual extravaganza is expected to attract more than 10,000 anglers, and attendees will find 20,000 ice fishing holes pre-drilled and ready to go. The ice fishing contest has accrued more than $3.3 million for charities since it started in 1991; the Confidence Learning Center, an outdoor center for persons of all ages with developmental disabilities, is the primary beneficiary of the event. Fleet Farm is so proud to be part of this longstanding tradition.
Helping Pets Find a Home
Fleet Farm supported National “Clear the Shelter” Day events in our stores. This summer, we collected thousands of dollars in donated items, focusing on the most needed supplies at local shelters and also helping many deserving animals find their forever homes. Our customers generously donated pet supplies, and some even went home with new pets for their families.
Sample Sale Provides Funds For 37,000 Meals

A recent sample sale at our Appleton Store Support Center was a huge success! We raised a total of $12,254 that was donated to the Fox Valley Food Bank, enough to provide 37,000 meals through Feeding America. Thank you to all who purchase products and bring canned goods for these good causes.
If You Teach a Kid to Fish…
For nearly 20 years, Kids Fishing Day has been a summer-fun tradition at Fleet Farm stores. In 2019, overall attendance at these popular events grew by more than a third, and our local communities really got in the spirit of the day. Kids learned about fishing line, knot tying, fishing safety, live bait, fish identification, casting and more. While the event was not held in 2020, we are looking forward to returning in 2021.
West Bend Fleet Farm names Employer of the Year

The team at Fleet Farm in West Bend, Wisconsin, stepped up to receive the 2021 Large Employer of the Year award from the West Bend Area Chamber of Commerce.
Truckers for Tots Pulls in to Fleet Farm Stores

Five Fleet Farm stores partnered with Mid-State Truck Service to host Truckers for Tots shopping events. Area trucking employees and their families converged upon our stores in Stevens Point, Marshfield, Duluth, Wausau and Chippewa to purchase toys with funds raised by the annual campaign. Each Fleet Farm contributed a $500 gift card to the cause.